2022 Sullivan County SWCD Board
Role of SWCD Board of Supervisors
In Indiana, a Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a governmental sub-division of state government. The official governing body of a district consists of five supervisors. Three are elected (one each year for a three-year term) at an annual meeting of land occupiers held in January, February, or March. Two are appointed (also for staggered three-year terms) by the State Soil Conservation Board based upon recommendations of the leadership in the district.
Thus, selection of all five supervisors is based on input from the local people they serve. As public officials responsible to the district and state, supervisors are required to subscribe to a standard public oath of office.
We are very fortunate in Sullivan County to have a great team of individuals serving on our board of supervisors. Thank you to all who have donated their time to the SWCD and those who continue to improve conservation and natural resources in our beautiful county.
2022-2023 SWCD Board of supervisors
Chairwoman: Bobbi Hunt-Kincaid
Vice Chairman: Travis McKinney
Treasurer: Mike Bell
Supervisor: Hunter Wilson
Supervisor: Ashley Abrams
Treasurer, Mike Bell and Supervisor, Hunter Wilson at the 2022 Annual Meeting.
We hold monthly meetings that are open to the public on the third Thursday of every month starting at 9 AM at our office in the USDA Service Center (see contact tab above for our address).*
*Subject to change based off of SWCD Board of Supervisors schedule and holiday conflicts